Field Hockey Canada > Field Hockey British Columbia announces Annual Award winners
Field Hockey British Columbia Annual Award Winners

Male Player of the Year
Scott Tupper    

Scott receives this award as recognition of his on-going commitment and achievement with the Canadian National Team. Scott achieved his first cap against Scotland in Vancouver in the summer of 2005. Six years later, Scott has represented the Canadian Team at the 2008 Olympic Games, at the Commonwealth Games and the World Cup and most recently at the Pan-American Games in Mexico taking his tally of international caps to 143. Field Hockey BC is pleased to recognize Scott as our Senior Male Athlete of the Year.  
Award presented to Scott by Mark Saunders, Field Hockey BC’s Executive Director. 

Senior Female Player of the Year
Diana Roemer        

Diana receives this award as recognition of her on-going commitment and achievement with the Canadian National Team. Diana was selected to the Senior National Team in 2007, achieving her first cap against South Africa in Stellenbosch. Diana’s career highlights include the Commonwealth Games in 2010 and most recently the Pan-American Games in Mexico. Diana currently has a total of 71 caps for Canada. It is FHBC’s pleasure to recognize Diana as Field Hockey BC Senior Female Player of the Year. 
Award presented to Diana by Sue Demuynck, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Women’s High Performance. 

Junior Under 18 Male Player of the Year
Gurteg Gill    

 Bill Sandhu, Team BC Head Coach writes; “Gurteg Gill has performed exceptionally well in 2011. His skill level is extremely high. He has excellent game sense and his ability to perform under pressure was evident in every competitive situation”. It is FHBC’s pleasure to award the Junior Under 18 Male player of the year award to Gurteg Gill.

Award, along with a $300 clothing voucher from Kukri Sports Canada, presented to Bill Sandhu, Gurteg’s Team BC coach, by Kinder Gill, Field Hockey BC’s Regional Head Coach and Jamie Williams, Sales Director for Kukri Sports Canada

Junior Under 18 Female Player of the Year
Kendra Perrin    

Andrea Rushton, Team BC Head Coach writes; “Kendra was a great leader for our BC group this summer – she lead the group by example with her effort, skill, and grit, had a very positive tone with the team encouraging her teammates, yet was directive and specific when needed, and she was committed to learning from every moment”.  It is FHBC’s pleasure to award the Junior Under 18 Female player of the year award to Kendra Perrin.

Award, along with a $300 clothing voucher from Kukri Sports Canada, presented to Kendra by Sue Demuynck, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Women’s High Performance and Wendy Hughes, General Manager of Kukri Sports Canada

Junior Under 16 Male Player of the Year

Balraj Panesar    

Minder Gill, Team BC Head Coach writes; “Balraj was our team captain and most consistent player in 2011. He showed great leadership on and off the field, was able to play different positions when needed and was able to take his game to another level when the challenge demanded”. It is FHBC’s pleasure to award the Junior Under 16 Male player of the year award to Balraj Panesar.

Award, along with a $300 clothing voucher from Kukri Sports Canada will, presented to Balraj by Kinder Gill, Field Hockey BC’s Regional Head Coach and Jamie Williams, Sales Director for Kukri Sports Canada

Junior Under 16 Female Player of the Year
Sydney Veljacic    

 Bubli Chohan, Team BC Head Coach writes; “Sydney is the sort of player a team can count on when the pressure is on. Sydney is reliable, dependable, coachable and has a good skill set, Sydney is a quiet leader who leads by example and is thoroughly deserving of this recognition”. It is FHBC’s pleasure to award the Junior Under 16 Female player of the year award to Sydney Veljacic.

Award, along with a $300 clothing voucher from Kukri Sports Canada, presented to Sydney by Sue Demuynck, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Women’s High Performance and Wendy Hughes, General Manager for Kukri Sports Canada

Barbara Schrodt Award
Tammy McComb            

The BARBARA SCHRODT AWARD is presented to “someone who has made a difference to women’s field hockey in BC”. The Barbara Schrodt Award winner for 2011 has been actively ‘making a difference’ for as long as we can remember. As a leader, manager, administrator, coach and advocate for all aspects of hockey development; whether it be within the club setting or at a provincial level, Tammy has helped advance the sport of field hockey in both a presidential and voluntary role with Delta Falcons Field Hockey Club and at a regional level with Field Hockey BC. It is our pleasure to present the Barbara Schrodt Award to Tammy McComb. 
Award will be presented to Tammy by Shayne Dyrdal, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Finance

Contribution to Men’s Field Hockey Award
Patrick Oswald            

Patrick Oswald continues to be an inspirational force in the promotion of field hockey at all levels of our game.  Patrick has been instrumental in the development of athlete, coach and league based programming. Patrick is Past President and Current Board member to the Vancouver Hawks Field Hockey Club, Current President to the Vancouver Men’s field hockey league, past Field Hockey BC Board member and Team BC manager, and continues to assist field hockey programming in numerous ways.  Our sporting community certainly continues to benefit from his experience, leadership and expertise. We hope that this award goes some way to recognizing his on-going contribution to our sport. 
Award presented to Patrick by Mark Saunders, Field Hockey BC’s Executive Director

Women’s Umpire of the Year
Deb Moynahan            

Deb Moynahan for the last six years seems to have been ever present at FHBC and Club events across the province. Whether it is a junior or senior event, Deb’s name is often the first to appear on an officiating roster. Always professional and always conscious of the need to assist developing umpires, Deb is an invaluable asset to field hockey in BC. In recent years Deb has officiated at the Field Hockey BC high performance events, the club championships, the VIT, the BC High School Championships, and of course is active within the female junior and senior leagues in BC.  Our thanks and congratulations go to Deb for her ongoing contribution and it is our pleasure to recognize this contribution in the form of the Women’s Umpire of the Year Award
Award presented to Deb by Paul Chohan, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Umpiring

Men’s Umpire of the Year
Damien Deefholts

Damien Deefholts, like Deb, has for the last six years been ever present at FHBC, Club, and National events across the province. Always professional and always conscious of the need to assist developing umpires, Damien has passed on his expertise to all levels of umpire and is an invaluable asset to field hockey in BC. Certified in 2010 as a learning facilitator, Damien assists off the field in teaching new umpires at a provincial and community level, and has begun to instigate a provincial on-field mentor-ship program. In recent years Damien has officiated at the Field Hockey BC high performance events, the club championships, the VIT, BC Club Invitational events, the 4 Nation Classic and of course is active within the male and female junior and senior leagues in BC.  Our thanks and congratulations go to Damien for his ongoing contribution and it is our pleasure to recognize this contribution in the form of the Men’s Umpire of the Year Award 

Award presented to Mark Saunders on behalf of Damien, by Paul Chohan, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Umpiring

Women’s Coach of the Year
Jenn Beagan

Jenn has been a significant presence within the FHBC Regional and Provincial Program in recent years. She has graduated from an Assistant Coaching role at the Canada Cup in 2010 to a Regional Program lead coach in 2010-2011, and in the summer of 2011 led the U18 White team to a bronze medal at the National Championships and the U18 Western Canada Summer Games team to Gold in Kamloops. Field Hockey BC is pleased to recognize Jenn as our Women’s Coach of the Year.  
Award presented to Jenn by Eric Broom, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Coaching 

Men’s Coach of the Year
Bill Sandhu            

Bill has made a significant contribution to Men’s Team BC programming in each of the last 4 years. Bill has led the Under 19 boys to a gold medal in 2008, the Under 18 boys to a series victory versus the USA in 2009, the Under 18 boys to a gold medal at the 2010 Canada Cup, and a further gold for the same age group at this year’s National Championship. It is a pleasure to be able to recognize the impact Bill has had on so many BC athletes by naming him the Men’s Coach of the year for 2011
Award presented to Bill by Eric Broom, Field Hockey BC’s Director of Coaching 

Click here to view the FHBC article