Field Hockey Ontario is encouraging women to apply for the Women’s Fund Program to help promote women’s field hockey throughout Ontario. Applications are currently being accepted. The deadline to submit is October 20, 2012.
“The Women’s Fund Program committee and all those involved are excited to help the next generation of players, officials and volunteers move the game of field hockey forward in Ontario,” says committee member Ann Doggett.
The following background information and criteria for the Women’s Fund Program can also be found on the Field Hockey Ontario website.
Background: In 1985, Field Hockey Ontario (FHO) was incorporated. FHO was an amalgamation of Ontario Women’s Field Hockey Association (OWFHA) and the Ontario Field Hockey Association (OFHA). At point of amalgamation, OWHFA had $60,000 which was given to the new organization FHO to be kept for use in the promotion of women’s field hockey in Ontario. The interest from this fund will be disbursed yearly – provided suitable applications are received. For the 2012 FHO fiscal year the amount available for bursaries is $1,200.
Applications will be accepted from September 20 to October 20, 2012.
Please submit your application to:
All applications must include reasons why you should be a successful candidate, letters of reference as outlined below, details of event, competitions, etc. as per criteria listed below and proof of FHO membership for 2011/2012 membership year.
● Any female member of FHO may apply for financial assistance
● Assistance may be requested to cover the cost of a course, conference fees, air fare, training or training camp levies.
● The committee will consider requests from players, coaches, officials and volunteers
● The committee may request the successful applicant to share knowledge gained at a meeting or conference with other members
● Financial need
● Length of service as a volunteer, coach or official
● Development of new coaches, officials and volunteers
● Successful applicants may not apply again for 3 years from receipt of funds
● Males are not eligible to receive funds
● Athletes and Coaches receiving Quest for Gold or any other form of financial assistance from FHO,
Ministry responsible for sport, FHC, Sport Canada are not eligible.
● Volunteers must include a letter of recommendation from a club president/chair (or in the case of the president applying – vice chair or treasurer)
● Players must include a letter of recommendation from Club head coach or provincial coach
● Officials must include have a letter of recommendation from Officials Committee (once functioning) or an official invite to officiate at a National Championship
● Applications must include link to course, conference or invitation to attend a competition or training camp
The Terms of Reference may be found on the FHO website. Ann Doggett, Ruth Hibbard and Janine La Marre are the current committee members. All applications will be acknowledged as received. Candidates may be interviewed via conference call.