Field Hockey Canada > Request for Proposal: FunStix Development

Request for Proposal: FunStix Development

July 10, 2009 | Field Hockey Canada |

Request for Proposal: FunStix Program Development

FHC’s Request for Proposal (RFP)

Field Hockey Canada has received support from Sport Canada for the
development of the FunStix program.  Thus in order to further develop
the curriculum and content for FunStix, Field Hockey Canada (FHC) is
seeking a Contractor who, based on an existing framework, will develop
the curriculum for FHC’s new national mini program FunStix, including
preparing the lesson plans using FHC’s Long Term Athlete Development
(LTAD) stages and making sure fundamental movement skills, such as the
ABCs (agility, balance and coordination), are embedded in the

RFP Document (.PDF)


What is Physical Literacy?

Physical literacy can be defined as a level of competency possessed for both fundamental motor and sport skills.  Physical literacy should be developed before the onset of the adolescent growth spurt – Peak Height Velocity (PHV).  The basic movement skills of 3 activities provide the base for all other sports

  • Athletics – run, wheel, jump or throw
  • Gymnastics – ABC’s of athleticism – agility, balance, coordination and speed
  • Swimming – for water safety reasons, for balance in a buoyant environment, and as the foundation for all water-based sports.

Without the basic movement skills, a child will have difficulty in participating in any sport.  Thus the above 3 activities together are working on a “fundamentals in the box” package that other sports will be able to incorporate into their entry level programs as well.

Fundamental Movement skill + Fundamental Sport Skills =

Physical Literacy =

Excellence and Participation

For more information on both physical literacy and PHV, please refer to field hockey’s LTAD poster or the Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L)) web site –


FunStix – Field Hockey’s National Physical Literacy and Sport Skills Program

As one of the first steps in implementing field hockey’s LTAD – FHC is working on the FunStix program for children age 6 – 10.  This program relates to the FUNdamental stage of the LTAD. Thus, the primary focus for the younger children is to develop good fundamental movement skills within a FUN, field hockey environment, i.e., the focus will be on fundamental movement more so than skill development.

The introduction to basic hockey skills will take place as the children move through the program – still with a large focus on FUN and participation.  Hopefully children participating in the FunStix program will come away with both good fundamental motor and hockey skills.