Field Hockey Canada > Request for Proposal: FunStix Pilots

Request for Proposal: FunStix Pilots

January 5, 2010 | Field Hockey Canada |

Request for Proposal: FunStix Pilots

January 5, 2010

For the past eight months Field Hockey Canada has been working on the development of a national mini-game aimed at the Fundamentals stage of the Long Term Hockey Development model.  The program is called FunStix and is targeted towards boys and girls age 6-10.  It emphasizes the five fundamental movement skills of field hockey (ball movement & control, passing, receiving, tackling, and scoring) as well as basic motor abilities such as agility, balance, and coordination.

A final draft copy of the program is expected to be completed very soon.  As such, FHC is asking member Provincial Associations and Clubs to pilot the draft material for feedback, analysis, and packaging.  Ideally the pilots should commence in February or March 2010 but other start dates will be considered.

The FunStix curriculum is divided into two parts.  Each part consists of ten 1-hour sessions.  Provinces or clubs interested in piloting may choose to only run the first part.

Field Hockey Canada will provide the accepted applicant with a cash amount to assist with the applicant’s expenses for the organization and delivery of the event.  The amount will be based on the anticipated budget to run the course.

The FunStix pilot application is available here .  Please complete the form before January 28, 2010.  The draft curriculum will be provided to successful applicants as soon as it becomes available.  Only a limited supply of funds is available.  Applicants will be selected based on relevant experience with credence given to the geographic disproportion of our membership.

Questions should be directed to .  Only successful applicants will be contacted.