Field Hockey Canada > Coaching > Coaching Resources > Competition Introduction Resources

Coaches who work with athletes between the ages of 12 and 16 in the club system, within hockey development programs or academies or Provincial Teams should be Competition Introduction Certified Coaches.  At this stage, athletes are acquiring and developing their skill set, refining their fundamentals and being introduced to new advanced skills in technical, tactical, physical and mental performance areas.

Competition Introduction Coaches could be parent volunteers, teachers, or any player (over 16yrs) with two or more years of coaching experience.   These coaches could be Club and/or PSO Coaches.

Visit our Competition Introduction Coaching Toolkit for information and resources

Field Hockey Canada’s Competition Introduction Coaching Pathway is facilitated by our PSO’s for information on details regarding  the following training steps:  Coaches will need to create a NCCP Locker Account to complete the training.


  • NCCP Teaching and Learning
  • NCCP Planning a Practice
  • NCCP Emergency Action Planning – 15min training available in The Locker eLearning


  • FHC Competition Introduction Workshop (16 hour Course delivered online and in-person)
    This workshop includes 4 modules delivered digitally, 5 at-home assignments associated with the module learning and one 2.5hr on field module.

NOTE:  Required assignments will directly assist the coach with the completion of their Coaching Portfolio for certification and assessment.


  • NCCP Nutrition
  • NCCP Basic Mental Skills
  • NCCP Design a Basic Sport Program

Upon completion of step 3 coaches will be considered NCCP Trained Competition Introduction Coaches.


Coaches wishing to become certified at this level must submit a Portfolio and be evaluated by a NCCP and FHC qualified Coach Evaluator.  Please contact your Provincial Organization for more information regarding certification processes in your province.

More information on the FHC Coaching Pathway can be found here.