Field Hockey Canada > COVID-19 - Return to Play Guidelines

UPDATED April 2021

Travel Position Statement – Field Hockey Canada’s position on travel during the pandemic.
As the global pandemic continues to challenge us into 2021, we urge all members and registered participants to stay safe and closely follow the guidelines of the Provincial Health Officers within the province you are active. All FHC activity is contingent upon PHO guidelines. We urge you at all times to check in with your local provincial organization and follow PHO updates. Stay safe and we will look forward to our continued engagement over digital media until such time as it is safe for us to meet in person. Field Hockey Canada’s COVID-19 resource centre is still available and representative of 2020’s summer return to play protocols. We will continue to update and share.
The FHC Staff and Board thanks you sincerely for your patience, support, love and respect.

Download FHC’s Return to Play Guidelines here

Download FHC’s Return to play Rule Changes here

Phase 2 – Return to Play

DOWNLOAD QUICK VIEW: FHC Return to Play – Phase 2

As we progress in our phased return to sport, Field Hockey Canada will strictly adhere to the policies and procedures outlined by federal, provincial and municipal governments and public health agencies. It is mandatory that these guidelines be adhered to at all times. As we move into Phase 2, FHC will still require compliance with the two steps outlined in Phase 1 Return to Play:


  • All participants MUST complete the Waiver prior to re-starting sport. This waiver needs to be kept on file for 3 years.
  • All participants MUST complete the Waiver prior to re-starting sport. This waiver needs to be kept on file for 3 years.
  • A Waiver needs to be completed at least once for each stage of the return to full international sport.
  • A Waiver needs to be completed at least once for each stage of the return to full international sport.


    • This is a Pre-Activity Health Screening. All participants must complete an attestation form prior to every session. This indicates a general state of health and well-being. The COVID-19 safety officer at the session will check for compliance prior to the commencement of the session.
    • This is a Pre-Activity Health Screening. All participants must complete an attestation form prior to every session. This indicates a general state of health and well-being. The COVID-19 safety officer at the session will check for compliance prior to the commencement of the session.
    • It is the responsibility of all adult participants and the responsibility of all parents and/or guardians responsible for those under the age of 19, to conduct a health screening assessment as to the suitability to return to play (take part in activity)
    • It is the responsibility of all adult participants and the responsibility of all parents and/or guardians responsible for those under the age of 19, to conduct a health screening assessment as to the suitability to return to play (take part in activity)
    • This is to be completed prior to every session.
    • This is to be completed prior to every session.


This document provides guidelines for FHC NT and NG programs operating in all provinces. As FHC moves to Phase 2 of return to play, we will see the implementation of cohorts. A cohort is a group of individuals that you may interact with, although not necessarily at the same For example, a cohort may be made up of up to 4 teams, although only 2 of these teams would be permitted to be in the same place at the same time. Cohorts are formed of individuals and teams of similar age, skill, and geographic location. FHC recognize there is difference in system between BC and Ontario in relation to club based league play, FHC will work with FHO and Ontario Public Health guidelines to recognize any further formal direction around return to play, and align that with the 2 cohort system. For further information on creating and managing a team cohort, please visit the following link at Field Hockey BC and view slides 23-37.

It is recommended that when creating a cohort, the following guidelines apply:

  • 20 Athletes
  • 1 Coach / Leader (required)
  • 1 Safety officer (required)
  • 1 Umpire (if required)
  • 1 TD (if required)

What does Phase 2 mean for field hockey athletes?

An individual athlete is permitted to take part in a maximum of two Field Hockey cohorts. For example an athlete would be permitted to participate in both an NSO and club cohort. If there is a school cohort situation, that is considered separate, as it is outside of the jurisdiction of both NSO and PSO. There will be no exceptions to the two cohort rule. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, the Field Hockey Canada High Performance Department will monitor cases around National Team Training Centres. In the event of an outbreak or a demise in the safety of the training environment, FHC will liaise with stakeholders and if deemed appropriate the High Performance Director and/or Program Leads will communicate the change in return to Phase 1 or cancellation of all activities to relevant parties. FHC requests all NG and NT athletes limit their involvement to our clubs, recognizing that at this time of the season provincial hockey is not the priority and players are largely playing with their clubs in domestic leagues. Note that school cohorts are considered separately to, and out with this consideration.