Field Hockey Canada > Field Hockey Canada - Team Managers

Team Managers are integral in our ability to perform on the international stage. We are looking for motivated and organized hockey hearts that are willing to serve one of our national hubs, or one of our junior national teams.

These are volunteer positions that have Field Hockey Canada support, mentorship and connect into our Team of Teams mentality, supporting the Field Hockey Canada mission, vision and goals. The purpose of the Team of Teams initiative is to connect our Canadian hockey community. It is an approach to how we are structured, how we operate and how we live our values. It recognizes that we are united by the sport that we love and can accomplish amazing feats while working together.


Some of these roles have the opportunity to tour with one of our national teams which is a really exciting element to team management. We also have national ‘hubs’ where we are looking for specific admin support with scheduling, tracking and communication and requires no travel.

The Tour Manager position can be structured around your day job or studies, and travel would be limited. Tour dates are known well in advance and the logistics around these tours would be handled by our core team at Field Hockey Canada. Your job would entail the communication thereof, bridging the gap between our lean Field Hockey Canada core staff and our athletes. Facilitating an organized, positive and performance-focussed environment.

While parents are welcome to apply, we will be steering away from direct relations within teams.

It is an exciting opportunity to represent your country, to make an impact and learn new skills. Our senior flagship teams will be kept for experienced Team Managers however there will be a pathway available for Team Managers to apply for these top two positions once experience has been gained.

We are always looking for managers to get involved in the following programs.

  • Women’s National Team / Men’s National Team
  • Women’s U21 Junior National Team / Men’s U21 Junior National Team
  • Women’s U18 Junior National Team / Men’s U18 Junior National Team
  • Women’s U16 Junior National Team / Men’s U16 Junior National Team

The build-up period to a tour would be a commitment of approximately five hours per week, four months ahead of a tour departure. A tour commitment is usually between 10 to 14 days and does require international travel. Tours require absolute dedication and a hands on approach, and many hours behind the scenes. Following the tour, there will be a post-tour wrap up and debrief review.

We will be providing mentors to aid in the successful onboarding, we have systems in place to set you up for success and we have a Team of Teams approach that empowers you to activate your role within our framework.

If you’d like to apply, click below


We are always seeking new managers to join the program. Please complete the form above to get involved now.



Sherry Doiron: Team Manager Spotlight:

Sherry Doiron has been around a field hockey pitch or two in her day. And after taking a break from the Field Hockey community for several years, she’s found herself back in the environment as the Team Manager for the Indoor Women’s National Team.

When the Canadian Women’s Indoor team reached out to Doiron to get involved as a team manager in 2021, for the Indoor Pan American Championships, she was cautious, but excited to join. She said that it didn’t take long to get back into the thick of it.

“If you are looking to get involved on the management side, you don’t need to know all the technical aspects, you just need to be good at problem solving and people management,” she said. “You should have an open mind and be a flexible person. As long as you aren’t saying ‘I know it all,’ but rather, ‘I’m willing to learn.’ Put all that together, you are probably a really good candidate to get involved.”