Doreen Fraser (nee Armour) passed away peacefully February 2022 at the age of 91. Doreen was a second-generation Vancouverite and attended school in West Point Grey where she met her future husband, Richard (predeceased). She is survived by her daughter Margot, son Bruce & daughter-in-law Cecilia as well as nephews & a niece.
A 1953 U.B.C. graduate in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, she worked at University & Point Grey Pharmacies. She played hockey at high school and then at U.B.C. under the renowned women’s hockey coach May Brown. The senior U.B.C. ‘varsity’ team won the Vancouver city league twice in 1949 & 1952 (Spalding Trophy) when Doreen was a member and won the Major Bentham Trophy as the Runner-Up in 1948, 1951, & 1953. She was captain of the 1954 Touring Team to California.
In 1953-54 U.B.C.’s recent hockey grads formed a new Team called the “Alums” of which Doreen was the captain. In 1956 Doreen was selected to the first Canadian Women’s Touring Team to the Sixth IFWHA Triennial in Australia. The experience included two months touring the country, playing games, being warmly welcomed & feted by dignitaries, teams and communities. In 1953 her outstanding ability was rewarded as the recipient of the Watson Trophy – an annual award, a rose bowl, for the player who, in addition to being an asset to her team, showed the best sportsmanship in the Greater Vancouver Grass Hockey League. Her field hockey career was capped by the 1956 team being named to the Field Hockey Canada Hall of Fame.
Remember Doreen: