Field Hockey Canada has developed the Field Hockey Canada Concussion Protocol to help guide the management of athletes who may have a suspected concussion as a result of participation in field hockey-related activities.
This protocol covers the following key topics:
This protool aims to ensure that athletes with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care and proper management to allow them to return back to their sport safely.
This protocol is intended for use by all individuals who interact with athletes inside and outside the context of sports activity, including athletes, parents, coaches, officials, teachers, and licensed healthcare professionals
Pre-Season Concussion Education Sheet
Concussion Recognition Tool 5 (CRT5)
The FHC Concussion Policy addresses the identification and management of a suspected or confirmed concussion, as well as the protocol for Return to Play for any Participant associated with Field Hockey Canada activities. Field Hockey Canada is not responsible for diagnosing concussions – this can only be done by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner – but Field Hockey Canada can contribute to the immediate identification and management of concussions. Return to Play procedures for Participants suffering from a confirmed concussion should be guided by the health care professional in charge of treatment.
It is important to remember:
Field Hockey Canada strongly recommends that all athletes, coaches, officials, and parents maintain an updated education of concussion awareness and management. Optimizing the prevention and management of concussion depends highly on annual education on current evidence-informed approaches that can prevent concussion and more serious forms of head injury and help identify and manage an athlete with a suspected concussion.
Concussion education should include information on:
Examples of online Concussion education tools:
Concussion Awareness Training Tool
Web-based tools, resources, 30-minute online course (for parents, athletes, and coaches)
Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) Making Head Way
E-Learning module (primarily for NCCP-certified coaches)
Parachute Canada
E-learning modules for parents and players
The formal diagnosis of concussion should be made following a medical assessment, however, all sport stakeholders including athletes, parents, teachers, coaches, teachers, officials, and licensed healthcare professionals are responsible for the recognition and reporting of athletes who may demonstrate visual signs of a head injury or who report concussion-related symptoms.
Visual Cues that suggest possible concussion include:
Symptoms of concussion:
Concussion Red Flags:
If an athlete exhibits or reports any of the following, call an ambulance for emergency medical assessment.
**If there is any doubt regarding an athlete’s status or potential for concussion the player should be removed from the activity. **
This includes any Participant who sustains a significant impact to the head, face, neck, or body and demonstrates ANY of the visual signs of a suspected concussion or reports ANY symptoms of a suspected concussion as detailed in the
Concussion Recognition Tool 5.
The following charts outline the process of return to school/work and return to field hockey activity. It is important to note that as part of the FHC Concussion Management Protocol these should be followed as part of the comprehensive management protocol outlined in the Concussion Management Protocol document available HERE.
FHC Concussion Staged Return to Field Hockey Activity
FHC Concussion Staged Return to School or Work
This must be achieved prior to stage 4 or 5 of the return to field hockey activity.