The Field Hockey Canada safe sport program will focus on four key areas: education, prevention, policy and response, all of which will be supported by strong governance, policies and procedures. The goal is to ensure that all members and participants of Field Hockey Canada, at all levels, have the resources to provide and access a fun, healthy, inclusive and safe environment.
Independent Third Party (Cristy Nurse |
This Independent Official is empowered to supersede Field Hockey Canada staff and launch appropriate policies as required based on evidence or a situation reported. Your contact with the independent third party is confidential, subject to certain legal limits. The independent third party (ITP) is a licensed and practicing lawyer with experience in administering sport related complaints. If a case is to be investigated, the ITP would appoint a third-party investigator where needed. For general disputes, you are encouraged to try to resolve your situation at the club or provincial level before contacting Field Hockey Canada.
Abuse-Free Sport an independent program that is part of a growing national movement to rid Canadian sport of all forms of harassment, discrimination and abuse. As a Program Signatory, Field Hockey Canada is an active player in this movement. Unlike the previous approach, where each national sport organization created its own system for dealing with complaints of maltreatment, this is a centralized “one-stop shop.” It is independent and led by experts in their fields, using education and research to prevent maltreatment at all levels of sport.
The Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) serves as the central hub. It operates independently to administer complaints about alleged violations of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS). Where there are admissible allegations of abuse, harassment or discrimination, the Office conducts independent investigations and recommends sanctions against individuals who violate the UCCMS. The Office will also maintain a national sanctions registry, which prevents individuals from evading sanctions be moving in different sports or in different jurisdictions.
For designated participants within our organization, there is access to a wide range of resources, including victim services and referrals to specialized mental health professionals and experienced lawyers – all of it available in English and French.
1-888-837-7678 – –
The helpline will provide you with advice, guidance and resources on how to proceed/intervene appropriately in the circumstances.