Field Hockey Canada > Stick Together Community Project Applications

Stick Together Community Project Applications

October 3, 2022 | Field Hockey Canada |

Field Hockey Canada is announcing available grants for Stick Together Community Projects

From grass roots to high performance, Field Hockey Canada is working to develop and strengthen field hockey across the country. Approximately 18,000 field hockey players across the country dedicate themselves to the sport at all levels, from community hockey to high performance. Their dedication and pursuit of excellence, along with the tireless work from coaches, officials, and all volunteers, makes for a Canadian field hockey community as strong as it has ever been. Field Hockey Canada serves this community through education, events, pathway opportunities and celebrations. Our service reaches coaches, umpires, officials, clubs, schools, universities and provinces.

Stick Together

The Stick Together project seeks to remove barriers and increase sport participation rates for underrepresented groups in field hockey. Equity-deserving groups include Indigenous peoples, People of Colour, 2SLGBTQQIA+, people with low income and newcomers. The purpose of Stick Together is simple: to increase participation and retention in field hockey.

The Stick Together grant supports the creation or continuing progress of projects that specifically target these equity-deserving groups. Any one project can receive up to a maximum of $15,000 (depending on the total number of final applicants) to a total amount of $65,000 will be disbursed in year one of Stick Together.

Who Can Apply

To be eligible for funding, you must be a community-level organization with an interest in serving equity deserving groups including:

  • Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit)
  • People of Colour (people who are non-white, regardless of birthplace)
  • Low income and newcomers

Apply today using the online application form below. You will be required to submit information about your project including budget and community outreach plans. Click for more details.



Eligible organizations can apply for a maximum of $15,000 to be used through to 31st March 2023

Program Eligibility

In order to access this fund your organization must either:

  • Have an existing project targeting equity-deserving groups which is in need of support or;
  • Submit a program proposal for a new project that targets equity-deserving groups.

Program Criteria

Whether it is a new or continuing the program should demonstrate:

  • How it serves equity-deserving groups
  • Identified leaders (off-field/administrative/counseling) – they should be local leaders and representative of the community so those we are targeting in each community can ‘see it to be it’
  • The program must be offered at no cost and must be inclusive
  • Community outreach through a communication and engagement plan. Local communities should be the focus so the project is also environmentally friendly in approach – e.g. you can walk there and access local sports provision

Field Hockey Canada will require you to plan and report against:

  1. numbers involved in the programming
  2. retention of those in the program
  3. community / area specific trends of participation and retention

Conditions of Funding

In line with all government funding, the conditions of this funding must be strictly adhered to. Conditions of funding are:

  • You must include a budget. Please note that no more than 20% of the amount awarded can be made towards administrative costs
  • You will be required to provide a report upon completion of the project.

Application Process & Timeline

Eligible organizations should submit their application using the APPLICATION FORM.

October 28, 2022 – Application Deadline
October 29 – November 11, 2022 – Field Hockey Canada will assess applications
March 31, 2023 – Organization deadline to use grant money

Successful recipients will be the receive follow up communication regarding funds in the week following November 11, 2022.