F-RED is Field Hockey Canada’s registration and event database system. This new platform allows FHC members to register and pay for programs, clinics, camps, and events using this all-in-one online solution. Not only can you pay your FHC membership fee, but you can simultaneously pay your PSO fee (if they are registered with F-RED), and program fees all at once. This new system, also saves your user profile information, allowing you to complete your next purchase more easily. Additional elements attached to this system include online CRC checks of $25 and NCCP requirements tracking.
Field Hockey has chosen to adopt F-RED as it is a system that is user-friendly, efficient and cost-effective. It will also help us to ensure a safe and quality sport environment for all of our participants.
FHC has officially migrated to F-RED and will be hosting all their programming through this system, so be sure to create an account with us today!
Here is how you can get started:
Creating Your F-RED Account
It’s easy to create an account with FHC’s Registration and Event Database (F-RED.) One account can administer a whole family; each person does not need to have their own account.
If you or a family member already has an FHA Ramp account, or indeed a Ramp account for any other sport, you can login to F-RED with those credentials, and you should not create a new account.
And you only need to do this once even if you have multiple roles, as it will be tied to your login rather than any specific role or position.
Just these two simple steps…
- Create your account here: https://www.rampregistrations.com/login?v3=7aa122cc
When complete, you will return to the login page.
2. Test your login to be sure it works.
Contact: Events & Engagement Officer | Hailey Yhap | hyhap@fieldhockey.ca