Field Hockey Canada > She Can – Women in Hockey > Women in Hockey - Resources

Field Hockey Canada recognizes that women and girls are underrepresented in all areas of sport, as coaches, athletes, leaders, and administrators.

Did you know:

  • 82% of women ages 16-62  DON’T participate in physical activity weekly
  • 1 in 3 16-18 year old girls who used to play sports, have dropped out.
  • 39% of NSO’s have a female CEO, Field Hockey is Proud to be one of them!
  • 39% of board members are women, but only 28% of board chairs.

Canadian Women & Sport releases a yearly “Snapshot” of gender diversity in sport leadership, reflecting gender composition at the board and senior staff level. This Snapshot is based on a survey of Canadian National Sport Organizations (NSOs) and Multisport Service Organizations (MSOs).

Field Hockey Canada is committed to closing the gender gap in our sport by working with leaders in our community to build awareness, provide education and develop capacity so that our leadership is representative and inclusive for women and girls.

As part of FHC’s commitment to balanced gender representation, we continue to champion change in the following areas:

  • Develop a standing committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  • Lead a public awareness campaign, entitled #FHCSheCan, to bring attention to the inspiring females in our community
  • Develop a FHC Gender Equity and Inclusion Policy
  • Ensure Gender Equity is a key consideration when planning and implementing programming.
  • Whenever possible, provide the opportunity for staff and volunteers to attend professional development training and enhance their leadership in this area.
  • Developing opportunities, mentorship and support programs for female Field Hockey Coaches and officials
  • Share current practices and develop new opportunities for more women and girls to get involved


SIRC:  Provides announcements on upcoming speaker series, webinars, and conferences including many related to supporting to girls and women in sport.  Past events have included information on topics such as: Keeping Girls in Sport, Coaching the Female Athlete, Careers in Sport, Why Girls Participate and Mental Health, women supporting women, and more.

Canadian Women & Sport: Provides publications, research, tools, education and more in support of Women and Girls in Sport.

Coaches Association of Canada:  Women in Coaching including grants, mentorship and apprenticeship programs.

Women in Sports and Events (WISE): The leading voice and resource for women in the business of sports.  WISE’s chapter in Toronto offers a variety of programs and events to support development of women in leadership.

Game On:  Girls in Leadership and Sport Pilot This program was piloted by Canadian Women in Sport and MLSE Launchpad to look at the retention of girls and women in sport.

MLSE Launchpad:  Programs and support for youth facing barriers


Do you have a resource you would like to see here?  Contact True Sport Manager Jenn Beagan