Field Hockey Canada > Field Hockey Canada Announces U16 National Team

Field Hockey Canada Announces U16 National Team

February 14, 2023 | Field Hockey Canada |

U16 National Team bound for the Netherlands in May

Field Hockey Canada is thrilled to announce the Under-16 National Junior Women’s Team, that has assembled for 2023, and will attend the International Den Bosch Tournament in the Netherlands in May.

The U16 program is a critical part of the NextGen and talent identification pathway as it identifies athletes that are 4-8 years away from the senior national team and podium potential at major competitions. This is also the cohort of athletes that will soon be in consideration for the Junior Women’s National Team with sights on a Junior Pan American Championship.


According to program head coach, Kyle Marks, getting quality international competition at this age prepares the athletes for future international play, and exposes the athletes to hockey culture in other parts of the world. For some, the May trip to the Netherlands will be their first real taste of higher-level hockey and international touring. He said that this group is working hard and looking forward to competing.

“It was very difficult to only select 21 athletes for this tour. The future for this group very exciting, they will be able to continuously push each other and keep raising the bar,” Marks said. “The group has been working hard. Playing in Europe is a challenging experience that is aimed to improve the group’s skills and not solely focused on results. The tour is a learning opportunity, particularly for the players making their first international tour.”

Stay tuned for more coverage of this team as they prepare and travel to the Netherlands for the Den Bosch Tournament.


Emily ArnetNorth Vancouver, BCGKSea to Sky FHC
Olive BodelWest Vancouver, BCDEFWest Vancouver FHC
Mackenna BrownVancouver, BCDEF/MIDNorth Van Strikers
Alice CampbellVancouver, BCDEF/MIDVancouver Hawks FHC
Olivia Sanne DetersCalgary, ABMIDAstros FHC
Rayna DhaliwalVancouver, BCMIDPolar Bears FHC
Danielle Myra DSilvaMississauga, ONMIDA&C Academy
Lydia HarringtonNorth Vancouver, BCMIDSea to Sky FHC
Sukhman Kaur HundalSurrey, BCDEFSurrinder Lions
Camryn JensenNorth Vancouver, BCMIDSea to Sky FHC
Nina KhalfanCalgary, ABDEF/MIDThunder (Bluestreak)
Allie LavisWest Vancouver, BCMID/FWDWest Vancouver FHC
Jordyn MacDonaldElmira, ONFWDGuelph Cobras
Maia McGillivrayCalgary, ABMID/FWDCougars
Katie-Grace NoyeSummerside, PEIDEFThree Oaks Senior High
Kristen NyroseCalgary, ABDEFCougars
Madelyn PottsNorth Vancouver, BCDEFSea to Sky FHC
Monet ThurbideVictoria, BCMIDLynx, Island Wildcats
Neeve UngerVictoria, BCMID/FWDLynx, Island Wildcats
Mary YangCalgary, ABGKPhoenix FHC
Victoria ZaccagniniCalgary, ABMIDPhoenix FHC
Kendyll AdamsVictoria, BCFWDLynx, Victoria
Sophie Anjali BhallaMississauga, ONFWDA&C Academy
Claire ChengVancouver, BCDEFPolar Bears FHC
Sutton van DykWest Vancouver, BCFWDWest Vancouver FHC
Amelie LeGuillouxWest Vancouver, BCFWDSea to Sky FHC
Kyle MarksVancouver, BCHEAD COACHSea to Sky FHC
Jenn SwagarCalgary, ABASSISTANT COACHUniversity of Calgary

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